The Rotary name derived from the early practice of rotating meetings among members' offices.  For our club, Rotation Day is an event which brings us back to our “roots” and gives us the opportunity to gain new insights into the vocational challenges and business issues which are unique to our fellow Rotarians.  Membership in Rotary is based on a member’s vocation. This unique feature provides the source for Rotary’s historic commitment to vocational service, the second of Rotary’s four Avenues of Service.

On October 23rd Club 10 members had the opportunity to tour one of three member businesses.  They were:  Master Framers (hosted by Roger Nielsen); Chamber of Commerce at the Union Depot (hosted by Mindee Kastelic); and Specialty Manufacturing Company (hosted by Dan McKeown).  Pictured below:  A few of those who toured SMC, some of the group who visited Master Framers and the Union Depot.  (More pictures can be found on our club website.)

