President Doug Bruce called Saint Paul Rotary in his usual cordial fashion (10th Rotary club, thousands around the world, 102nd year in Saint Paul).

Bob Jones played the piano gorgeously and Jim Field in heavenly fashion in leading in the singing of AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL.  (1)

Steve Nyhus gave thoughtful invocation inviting our attention to the passing of an outstanding member of the Minnesota Legislature – Gary Kubly a man who served our beloved state with intelligence, heart, and passion – a good example for us all.

There were a number of interesting guests – among them Mary French who got the dictionary program started, Lewis Gade with an unusually wide background in several countries, now a banker in Apple Valley, Jon Theobald of Mairs and Power, Chuck Thomas of the Science Museum, Harry Chalmiers, President of the rapidly growing McNally Music College.

Nancy McKillips gave us an update on the membership campaign – numbers up from 180 to185 something like 27 guests for next week’s special meeting.  Big Mo is underway.  Let’s all get into the act.

Jim Delameter tells us that we will be receiving on line a membership survey of the Club, It should only take 5 minutes to fill it out.  Don’t hold back praise and criticism.  Just tell the truth.

Donovan Schwichtenberg told of us wonderful scholarships _ Peace and Global Grants, these are worth about $25,000 and hence should be highly prized.  Come up with recommendations for him – outstanding students to undertake one ears of post graduate study at a foreign university. 

John Bradford needs a couple more counserlors for Camp RYLA.  Any takers? In addition there with be a RYLA Family gathering at the same time - April 24-28.  He admitted that he had a special reason - a wedding anniversary so he can do his duty to Mary and his responsibilities for al the kids in RYLA.  Well done, John.

Carla Hauge located some wonderful Happy Dollars words of thanks ranging from getting a son back (Scott). Facing the snow of the danger our Donner pass (Chuck), the passing of Mary French’s husband, Arno (Blake)  and celebration of an eight-month anniversary of his little daughter (can that be - eight month anniversary.  We'll get in trouble with our speaker) and helping in the program of serving our troops with 17,000 having feasts in various parts of Kuwait, and 4,000 celebrating here in the River Centre.

John Guthman then introduced our speaker for the day,  John Schwietz, who gave an entertaining talk about his book and campaign against the deterioration of the English language.  He and his partner wrote IRREGARDLESS AIN’T A WORD, an amusing but instructive tome.

A few of John’ ideas:  Technology can have a bad influence on language – there is a huge amount of communication going on – 40% of high school  seniors are not prepared for college – improper language can reduce credibility.  He told a lovely story about a woman who bought 214 copies of the book because she wanted very much to get her boss to stop using “irregardless,” but if she gave him one book he would not know where it came from.  So she gave it to the whole staff, including the boss.  And it worked.  He started using "regardless.”  Hooray.

I have a copy and look forward eagerly to reading it.

(1)     Footnote:  Bob Jones approached me at the beginning of the meeting with his usual good humor and told me he was tired of the leader getting all the attention and the accompanist almost nothing, So I suggested his playing was gorgeous.”  But what were we to do with the worthy Jim Field.  We just couldn’t pass over him.  So heavenly fashion seemed OK for him.