The way we communicate is changing. Modern communication technology has allowed us to get more accomplished, communicate to more people and done much faster.  Is it better?  Maybe...maybe not.

Spell check is NOT always your friend:

  • their, there and they’re
  •  your and you’re
  •  then and than
  •  compliment and complement...and hundreds of other mistakes.
Modern technology has sparked substantially more communication, written and spoken. Texting, tweeting and an unhealthy reliance on ‘spell-check’ has created an epidemic of a careless misuse of words. These mistakes can go unnoticed, can quietly undermine ones credibility or can be completely disastrous.

The fact is that many people are not concerned with the details of carefully crafted, accurate communication; but many people are. People who make decisions like hiring and promoting employees are concerned about good communication skills. The way you speak and the way you write says a lot about you and your company.

Image"Irregardless ..ain’t a word" addresses these "language landmines" in a book unlike any other. Learn from the mistakes of Special Intelligence Agents, Chip and Chazz, and their boss, Colonel Neetenbeek, in a clever story/lesson format. Armed with only her infamous red pen, Sister Scholastica helps readers of any age learn to recognize these issues, improve their communication skills and succeed.

First time author John Schwietz addresses an issue that has become mainstream in America: Bad grammar and mass apathy to fix it.