Contrary to the popular oversimplification, I have yet to meet "A Simple Truth," and my work, for the last 30 plus years is in crisis management, readiness and leadership recovery which are truth finding businesses. Truth is complex, based mostly on emotion rather than facts and for every individual, witness, victim, bystander, reporter, blogger, bloviator, bellyacher or perpetrator involved, the same set of facts and observations always yields different truths or sets of truths.
We are all immersed in contentious contradictions every day, The New York Times and  the Wall Sreet Journal report the same news every day, very, very differently. Why? What is the truth? How about Fox News and CNN? Whose truth is it anyway? Why? Shut down the government or find a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens. Why do non profits feel they are better than the profit making organizations and individuals who support them? Why do they resent each other? What is a Non profit anyway . . . who makes that decision? What is the truth? And what about religion . . . well, don't get me started on that.

How do we get to the truth when every issue and question tends to divide those affected immediately into rock hard antagonistic positions? Some answers and some more questions. Who's wrong, who's right, who says so? How valid, workable and relevant is the Rotary Truth Test ?

Jim Lukaszewski advises senior operating executives in situations where the organization’s reputation and public trust are at stake. He also works with the leaders of the security, law, corporate communications, and human resource and other staff functions within corporations, NGOs  and government agencies and other organizations.

He is the author of 12 books, and hundreds of articles, all in the fields related to crisis management, crisis communication and leadership recovery. His newest book, Lukaszewski on Crisis Communication, What Your CEO Needs to Know about Reputation Risk and Crisis Management was released in April 2013. It was selected as one of the 30 best new business books of 2013.