Posted by Trixie Golberg on Oct 25, 2017
Past President Carla Hauge convened the meeting at the Intercontinental Hotel St. Paul. Dr. Bob Jones provided the pre-meeting music and opening song lead by Chuck Field, God Bless America. Michael-Jon Pease recognized United Nations Day. Rotary is the only nongovernmental organization to have a seat on the UN in recognition of Rotary’s role in helping to found the UN after WWII. Bob Cardinal led introductions of guests and visiting Rotarians, prompting and encouraging members to share good news of the day.
A highlight was from Dr. Chuck Roach who shared his personal connection to today's presentation on the Merritt Family.  This slice of Iron Range history had a hand in his now 60 year marriage to a daughter of the Merritt family. Carla thanked meeting volunteers - Greeters Rick Gobell and Ken Schafer and Scribe, Trixie Golberg.
All members were invited to join Thursday's Fellowship meeting at Summit Brewing – 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. to help complete the dictionary labeling. Members were invited to stop at the registration table to sign up for next week’s Rotation Day as well as the Dec 7th Holiday Gala. Silent auction items are needed to make this year’s holiday fundraiser another successful year end celebration. Carla announced October Birthdays and thanked member, David Dominick for providing the cupcakes.
Jon Cieslak introduced the program – Attorney, Author and Grandson of Alfred Merritt. Grant Merritt shared his families story, The Merritts' Mesabi Iron Search, Discovery and Loss. This unique family history changed the Minnesota's economic course in many ways. For the past nine years Grant has been researching and writing about the Merritt years in their Mesabi Iron venture and preparing a book on that history as well as his environmental work. The book “Iron and Water” is scheduled to be published next March by the University of Minnesota Press.
Grants Grandfather, Alfred Merritt, who along with his brothers Leonidas and Cassius discovered the Mesabi Iron Range in Mt. Iron, Minnesota on Nov. 16, 1890.  Their story is also shared in the book "7 Iron Men."
Grant shared the nefarious role John D. Rockfeller had in manipulating the loss of the Iron Range mines in 1894 and the incredible resiliency and spirit of his grandfather and great uncles in taking on this legendary capitalist, persevering as entrepreneurs and adventurers in spite of this historic lose for our state. 
Carla thanked Grant and invited members to share the Four Way Test.
Of the things we think, say or do:
  • Is it the TRUTH?
  • Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 






Trixie Golberg
